There's Nothin' on Earth Like a Genuine, Bona Fide, Electrified, Six-Car Simpsons Blog!

The blog that attempts to justify my idiosyncrasies

Monday, August 30, 2010

It's been a crazy six months...

"I enjoyed a brief but memorable stint as Sideshow Marge."

This line comes from Marge in the episode "Eight Misbehavin'" as the family discusses the past nine months that were skipped in the show's timeline for Manjula's pregnancy. I also like Lisa's "I became the most popular kid in school, but lost it all by being conceited," and Bart learning the true meanings of Columbus Day and Winter in those nine months.

It truly has been a crazy few months for me, and that probably explains why I haven't written for a long time. In fact, I'd bet dollars to donuts that no one even reads this any more...darn.

Anywho, I've been doing a lot, like working a ton at my new job at the Orem Public Library, a job that is pretty much awesome and is rapidly becoming the job I've been at the longest; just started school today; got married in July to the love of my life (see "Rejection Avenue" for more info about her); got our own place and are living the dream. Oh and once I saw a blimp.

So there's lots of stuff that's happened in the last six months...oh wait, it's only been five since I posted last! Well now I don't feel so bad. Man it's been a crazy five months...

And once I saw a blimp.