There's Nothin' on Earth Like a Genuine, Bona Fide, Electrified, Six-Car Simpsons Blog!

The blog that attempts to justify my idiosyncrasies

Monday, October 5, 2009

Geography? Nah.

"Water doesn't obey your 'rules.' It goes where it wants to. Like me, babe."

First of all, sorry I have written for a while. But chances are if you're reading this blog, our relationship is not based on it. So I think you'll find it in your hearts to forgive me.

Now, back to the quote. This one is from Bart upon losing to Lisa as they pour liquids down the sink in a race to the bottom. Lisa explains that reason she won is because of the Coriolis effect, eliciting Bart's response.

No, I'm not saying that I go where I want like water disobeying the laws of physics (but that is very cool to watch). On the contrary, in my Geography class last week, the professor taught about the Coriolis effect, and I almost had to leave the room because I couldn't stop laughing. You see, whenever a key word like the Coriolis effect from a Simpsons quote is said, my brain immediately makes the connection, thus bringing in all the quotes from that episode, this one being one of my all time favorites.

Suddenly, in the midst of 250 students, I was choking back giggles about Australia, giant boots, and the Marine Corps. Lines like, "What kind of sick country would kick someone in the butt with a giant boot?!?" "Mr. Simpson, shush! Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense! It's one of their proudest traditions!" and "I'm suprised he was able to write so legibly on his own butt." and "Just so you guys don't hear any wild rumors, I'm getting indicted for fraud in Australia." "Well, that's no reason to block the TV." and "I'm gonna report this to me member of Parliament! Gus! I got something to report to ya!" "That's a bloody outrage it is!"

For all of you that haven't seen that one, it's a wonderful satire on, well, the government and Australia. I highly recommend it. But, for those of you that can't quite understand how my mind works (and that should be all of you, because I'm not even sure), these lines could not get out of my head, causing me to completely miss the point of the lesson, and thus block my education. I'm not crazy, but am a little weird. And I'm sure that my mind, which works like a steel trap for useless information, will function on the exam. But I will never forget that moment when I almost wet my pants in front of 250 students, 4 TAs, and my professor.

Good times, good times.

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